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Stay tuned for the latest updates and happenings with Wally Roundlaker. Attend the 2010 Annual Round Lake Association Business Meeting and Picnic on Saturday June 26th and you and your family may be chosen to give Wally Roundlaker a home until the Christmas party on December 4th, 2010.


Wally Roundlaker has spent the last year with the Debra Frazer-Leary family, who adopted him at the last Annual Picnic/Meeting in June of 2010. Wally traveled with Debra to Glen Ellen, CA to attend Debra's nieces wedding. Wally also accompanied Debra and family to a cabin in Finlayson MN. where he stopped off at the Muni Bar for a short one. While at the cabin Wally watched some gnome movies, and made snow angels on the lake. Wally had a great time with the Debra Frazer-Leary family and is looking forward to his next adventure.

If you are lucky, you may have a chance to adopt Wally at our next Annual Meeting/Picnic on June 25, 2011.

Update:  05/4/20

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